Websoft platform for school management

WebSoft Platform for School Innovation

A system designed to manage a private school or group of schools, and developed with the feedback of a number of school administrations and teachers, to provide the flexibility required to manage the educational process according to the needs of the administration, teacher and student.

The most important contents and features of the program:

1-Academic aspect

1- The system allows and enhances interactivity and effective communication between the teacher and the student, as there is an easy link between the system and the student application. When the teacher enters the system, he can send lessons and assignments to the student and they appear to the student in the application. After the student performs the training or assignment, he sends it to the teacher, and the teacher corrects it and sends it to the student who receives it on his account in the application.

2- The student application can be downloaded on Android, IOS and iPad devices equally.

3- The teacher logs into the system using a username and password, which allows all educational resources to be provided to the student through diverse content including videos, written lessons, and images that appear to the student in the application, with full encryption of the videos, as they cannot be downloaded to ensure ownership rights.

4- The videos that the teacher sends to the student in the application are characterized by the teacher performing the work once, and the visual lessons remain available as review lessons for the student to review whenever he wants.

5- The system also allows communication with the guardian as part of the school administration organization process, by communicating with an important party in the educational process, who can review his son’s academic results and follow up on his attendance and absence.

2- Administrative aspect

5- The system also allows communication with the guardian as part of the school administration organization process, by communicating with an important party in the educational process, who can review his son’s academic results and follow up on his attendance and absence.

2- A new student registration icon that includes all the student’s data, personal photo, and identification papers, representing a complete record of all the school’s students, classified according to their stage and academic classes.

3- The ability to upload all textbooks for all levels: primary, intermediate, and secondary.

4- Student and teacher records: A complete database for all teachers and students of the school, including name, grade, certificates, personal photo, guardian information, date of registration at the school, and other information. As for the teacher, his qualifications, monthly salary, vacations, and teacher’s class schedule with class times.

Since the school management program is integrated, it has saved the administration effort as the tuition fees assigned to each student are recorded, as well as the paid and remaining fees. There are also fields for the types of expenditure items, which enables the extraction of a complete budget for the academic year, financial statements of income and expenditure.

5- The program provides the feature of adding a class schedule by the administration, including the start and end times of each class. The schedule appears for each teacher in his account in the system according to the classes he is assigned to teach, and it also appears to the student in the application according to his semester.

WebSoft school management platform includes a suite of features designed to support students, teachers, and parents in an integrated manner.

Some schools participating in the WebSoft School Management Platform:

  • Al Falah Private Schools

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