AL Akariyoun

Real Estate. How many Saudi sites were designed to fit the Saudi real estate reality, which differs from all real estate markets. The real estate market in the world is not like the real estate market in Saudi Arabia and vice versa. Therefore, this site was designed to suit the Saudi real estate market. The site is suitable for all categories of Saudi investors and meets all their needs and derives its strength from you and your efforts to raise the level of real estate in the beloved country to become a competitor to other real estate markets. We have tried hard to meet all the needs of investors and the Saudi market. Our goal: To be committed to providing high quality. Providing the largest amount of information, accurately, in high quality, quickly obtaining information, and easily saving you effort and money through our real estate website. Site features: The site does not take a quest and is not indicated in a quest. It takes a fee for advertising for a period of one, two or three months. Website services: Ease of display. Their page (members page) is an advantage for members to view all their offers on their own page. The member’s ability to enter students and special offers, and this feature is only for members on the (members) page Ownership: The site is owned by. Salman Abdul Mohsen Mohammed Al Sara. Real Estate Developers Corporation for Real Estate

AL Akariyoun